Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nashville or bust!

Hi ya' all!

I am working on my southern belle accent since I decided with my friends Heather, Kim and Wendi, to attempt a 1/2 marathon in Nashville at the end of April with them!!! I made an appointment tonight to meet with a personal trainer and hope to get moving towards this goal!

To be honest, I hate running....I have never been good at it....but maybe it is time for a change. Even if I end up walking half of the half marathon (or all of it), it still would be something I have never done!

This week, I continue to journal what I am eating and watching what goes into my body. Still no soda or caffeine. Jillian Michael's advice is really sticking in my head and I have been really working at making TIME to workout. I am hoping this new place I am going to on Monday will be the motivation I need. It is right on my way from work to pick up the boys. Not out of the way, therefore, no excuses!!!!! (Jillian would be so proud :) )

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend the Cleveland Sports Award Show with Jim Nantz as the emcee! Wow, did he have a fantastic speech! He had the best stories about his experience as a commentator and awesome events he has attended (such as a white tie dinner at the White House when the Queen was in town.......and he sat at her table!) I would of never of known him to be so "worldly". There were a bunch of Cleveland stars in attendance, as well as, Scott Hamilton. We were invited to attend with two of our senior gymnasts since we won the state title last year. We sit upstairs in what I call the "peanut gallery", but hey its free and you can look over the balcony and spot all the stars trying to be discreet! The waiters felt bad for us eating a pasta dish while the others had filet and chicken stuffed with spinach, so they brought us up that dinner and replaced our kids pasta! Thank goodness! The asparagus was so yummy and the chicken was scrumptious!

Today is the year anniversary of my Grandpa Jim Puzder's death. I miss him so much. He loved my children so deeply and passionately. They miss their "papa", too. If he saw the boys today he would shake his head and giggle with excitement watching them. I am sure he is watching in heaven, though.

Well, good night ya' all! I will be on the Sirius radio station at 10:15am tomorrow. Tune in if you can.


Monday, January 19, 2009


OMG everyone!

I got to talk to Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser today on the Sirius radio station 112! I am so excited that I was able to call in and get on the radio to talk to her! If anyone heard it, I probably sounded like a little kid seeing presents on Christmas morning! She gave me some great advice for setting time aside to workout! She asked some pretty valid questions about my day........if I have time to watch a TV show, I have time to workout! No excuses! I LOVE IT!!!! She also said women are afraid "to ask for help" - such as, we should ask someone to watch the kids for 30 minutes so we can work out. Or plan with a neighbor to share in kid watching, or ask parents or in-laws. She said the ultimate goal is to carve out 4 hours a week for exercise. She also said 4, 1/2 hour sessions if you have time restraints will work, too.

Actually, for my first day of cardio, I did her fitness ultimatum on the Wii Fit! I got a great workout - especially for just getting started! Love her! I did not have school today so my kids and I stayed in all day. It is so miserably cold here that I don't want to step outside if I don't have to!

So, the weekend brought on some challenges. As I stated in the last blog I was nervous about what I would eat on the trip to Columbus and I would like to thank the few that responded with some good on the go meals. I did get in my breakfast before I left at 5:40am......I was miserable on our bus because we had NO HEAT the entire 2 hour trip! It was -12 when we left at 6:00am. That was fun...........NOT! During the meet, I had an apple, banana, raw almonds as snacks. For lunch, they offered cold cuts, but with white sub rolls and mayo. I ate as minimal of the bread as I could and a small amount of mayo, but that was my best option there. I also had some raw veggies with it. They had these wonderful smelling brownies that Kirstin and I tried to resist. We lost that battle. We savored 4 bites of a brownie by "sucking" on them instead of chewing them right down! We are such dorks! That night we went to BW3's and I ate a chicken taquito with corn chips and a beer........oops! It was so good going down though!

As Sunday rolled around I was miserable. I am not sure if it was because of the change of my food, but I was SO tired I could not even get out of bed. My husband seriously thought something was wrong with me. I can't even explain how tired I was horrible. No headache, bellyache, nothing...........just pure exhaustion. I ended up sleeping the afternoon away (thank goodness for my husband). I do feel much better today, but I am still tired. Maybe it is the lack of sunshine in this part of the state! I need Florida!

Well, I need to go get the kiddies to bed. I made a delicious meal tonight that my whole family ate (although it took my 5 year old an hour to eat it). It was on Rachel Ray's website. As she would say it was, Delish! It was a chili mac pasta bake - whole wheat pasta, 90% lean ground beef. We also had a salad. Not the healthiest meal, but good for the whole family. I am just impressed that in these two weeks I have eaten out once! That is a new record for me!

Happy Exercising!
