Friday, January 16, 2009


Salutations everyone!

One of my former gymnasts always greeted us at practice with this and I would for some reason always giggle. It must have been how she delivered it. I am so upset, because this is the second time writing this entry. I was finished with it the first time and went to hit save and the whole page erased. Oiy vai! I hope I remember everything I said the first time!

So, a big day for me today! I was on Sirius radio, whole living again! It is fun to just chat back and forth with the three of us. The other was my television debut! OK so it was not actually me in person, but it was my voice and picture! Martha Stewart herself and I had a phone conversation on air! It was a great experience! Before you know it I am going to be traveling all over the country doing an interview with Ellen! (hahaha - in my dreams!)

My healthy eating continues and it seems to be getting much easier! We had no school today because it is freakin' the North Pole here in Cleveland, so I got to sleep in! By 9:30am by body was starving for food so I made an egg with feta and then a bowl of my favorite new cereal - Cascadia Farms Cinnamon Raisin Granola with fresh blueberries. I have been eating for lunch a whole wheat wrap with hummus and tabbouleh wrapped in it for lunch. It is delicious! For dinner, I had some delicious eggplant (breaded with whole wheat flour) and some whole wheat pasta and marinara sauce. Yummy! Almost like eating in a nice Italian restaurant....but with my 2 year old tossing applesauce across the table and spilling his water.......relaxing, as always! :)

Tomorrow I have a gymnastics meet in Columbus. The bus leaves at 6am. I am so nervous about how I am going to eat healthy tomorrow. It is a slim to none possibility that I will eat at 5:30 in the morning, and when I do get hungry I will be on a bus! Then during the meet I will have to bypass the concession stand as best as I can and on the way home the bus stops at fast food. UGH! I will let you all know how it turns out.

So, my "inside sources" (I sound so cool....) tell me that Jillian Michaels will be on the whole living show on Sirius radio Monday morning at 10:30 am! I am so excited! I am going to call in to the show. If I talk to her I might pee my pants! She is so amazing! I love the Biggest Loser! What she has done to transform people's lives is just so inspiring. If I could inspire just ONE of my students to live a healthy active lifestyle I would be pleased.

OK, I really have to go to sleep. 4:30am will come way too soon......and LeBron just got hurt. I must go make sure he is OK! Go CAVS!

Healthy Eating!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009



I try to pull you in with my titles.........hope its working! haha. Anyway, as mentioned earlier I am half Lebanese, but the other half of my roots come from my mother's side which is Slovak and Czech. "Nazdravie" means, "to health". I have a memory of my grandfather (RIP) and Uncle Rudy saying this on Christmas Eve dinners after we had said our prayers. It will be a year on January 22nd that my grandfather, Jim passed away, so I thought I would tie a little of his roots to this post. My grandmother, Martha will be proud.

Hope everyone is feeling well and making changes in their eating habits. I think the hardest part of the challenge for me thus far is that I have to actually THINK about what I am putting in my body for fuel and energy! Being a mother (and all of you mom's know what I am talking about), the last person we think about is ourselves - especially what we are eating! I have been so used to just picking at whatever throughout the day or grabbing whatever I could that was fast.

I am STILL working on that. It for sure does not change over night! In fact, last night I just could not think! I did not want to deal with what I should make for dinner, especially since my husband ate a late lunch, so I just ate a salad with cucumbers and goat cheese - YUMMY! My youngest son loved it.......forget the 5 year old......I did not even ask him. Actually, he will eat salad and cucumbers but NO weird is that?!?! Most people, like myself, eat the salad b/c of the dressing!

I am keeping my food journal. I like that. It really is good to look at your day and see what you put into your body! I also make some notes about what I may have had too much of or not enough of so that maybe the next day I can work on it? Reinforce by writing! The way I had to study for exams in I am doing it to reinforce eating right!

Today I had my first "cheat". I have been CRAVING chocolate, so I ate 3 small pieces of almond crunch chocolate by a local store in this area. I savored every bite, but I was so proud that I cut myself off!

So, yesterday was quite busy......hence not writing last night........I spent the afternoon sitting by a phone (with a dish full of my favorite chocolates close by that I did NOT proud of myself)......anyway, I sat by a phone waiting to talk to Martha Stewart herself while she was taping a show! It was SO cool! She shared a recipe with myself and her audience that sounds absolutely delicious! Tune into her Friday show on TV to hear my voice and get the recipe! If you live in Cleveland area the show is on at 10am on local channel 6 or 7 on my cable. I think a pic of the kids and myself will be up while she is talking to me! All in all, it was a REALLY neat experience and I hope I get to do it again! Maybe next time I can meet her in person!?!?!?

Well, I need to go get dinner prepared for myself and the boys. Bill is at work late for a meeting and is eating there, so it is me and the kiddies!


PS - on a side note: when I asked my students at school this year what their heritage was, only 1/3 raised their hands. I was shocked that only 1/3 knew! I am so proud of where my family roots are from and they should be to. It makes us who we are today. So, not trying to say you have not discussed, but if you do have children teach them their roots. Have them be proud of who they are and where they come from! Ok - teacher in me, signing out!

Monday, January 12, 2009

ABC's, 123's and Do Re Mi's

"Lets start at the very beginning...."

My title to the blog is kind of how I feel about learning to eat right now. Back to the basics and starting anew. Just like "Do Re Mi" from my favorite musical and movie of all time, The Sound of Music.

I hope those participating in the challenge are enjoying the savory taste of the delicious foods we can add back into our diet. I know I am! The one item I have not gone back to is diet Pepsi! I am so proud of this, you don't even understand! It is not that I will never have it again, but one of my goals is at the end of the 5 weeks to limit myself to 1 caffeinated beverage a day (forever), so if I start on DP again this battle would be over! I can't say I won't fall off the wagon, but for now, I need to pat myself on the back! Still no alcohol or sweets, either! Not any huge temptations, except a craving of chocolate here and there. I wonder if the fiber one bars or granola bars are o.k. to eat? I need to look at the ingredients. I used to eat those at breakfast or to satisfy the sweet tooth (obviously there were chocolate morsels in there!)

So with the positive, there is some negative. I think I am overdoing the hummus - I have fallen in love with it all over again, but seem to be eating it with everything! Then I took a look at the fat and realized, maybe not such a good idea. Also, for some reason I thought if I had a Lean Cuisine that said no additives or preservatives that it was not processed! So, two whole grain pasta and veggies in peanut sauce lean cuisines later, I learned...........If someone wants to tell me its OK to have them, please do b/c they are delicious and convenient..........and I am all about convenience!

Speaking of convenience.........I am getting a phone call from Martha herself tomorrow!!! She is going to give me a delicious recipe that I can make on Sunday and eat through the week! The show will air THIS Friday, January 16th so please tune in! I can't wait to hear what the recipe is! Set your DVR's, TIVOS, VCR's............I know in Cleveland her show airs at 10am.

So, I am quite excited about the dinner I made tonight! My first time ever using a WOK, I made a chicken stir fry! It was so delicious! The real taste tester (my husband) will be home late from work so I will know for sure if this is true! The point is, I tried, right?!?! I cut up fresh red and green bell peppers and celery, added water chestnuts and pineapple. After I cooked that up in some soy sauce (1tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil) and put that to the side and added the chicken with one more tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. I cooked that up with a little soy and then put the veggies and whole grain noodles (cooked prior to) in with the chicken and added some sesame ginger marinade I had in the refrigerator.

For being completely stressed out on what I could make for dinner that was different, I am glad I figured something out! Well, my youngest just threw a play sword at me.......I better get going and get them both to baths and bed!

Learning to eat right,
