Wednesday, January 14, 2009



I try to pull you in with my titles.........hope its working! haha. Anyway, as mentioned earlier I am half Lebanese, but the other half of my roots come from my mother's side which is Slovak and Czech. "Nazdravie" means, "to health". I have a memory of my grandfather (RIP) and Uncle Rudy saying this on Christmas Eve dinners after we had said our prayers. It will be a year on January 22nd that my grandfather, Jim passed away, so I thought I would tie a little of his roots to this post. My grandmother, Martha will be proud.

Hope everyone is feeling well and making changes in their eating habits. I think the hardest part of the challenge for me thus far is that I have to actually THINK about what I am putting in my body for fuel and energy! Being a mother (and all of you mom's know what I am talking about), the last person we think about is ourselves - especially what we are eating! I have been so used to just picking at whatever throughout the day or grabbing whatever I could that was fast.

I am STILL working on that. It for sure does not change over night! In fact, last night I just could not think! I did not want to deal with what I should make for dinner, especially since my husband ate a late lunch, so I just ate a salad with cucumbers and goat cheese - YUMMY! My youngest son loved it.......forget the 5 year old......I did not even ask him. Actually, he will eat salad and cucumbers but NO weird is that?!?! Most people, like myself, eat the salad b/c of the dressing!

I am keeping my food journal. I like that. It really is good to look at your day and see what you put into your body! I also make some notes about what I may have had too much of or not enough of so that maybe the next day I can work on it? Reinforce by writing! The way I had to study for exams in I am doing it to reinforce eating right!

Today I had my first "cheat". I have been CRAVING chocolate, so I ate 3 small pieces of almond crunch chocolate by a local store in this area. I savored every bite, but I was so proud that I cut myself off!

So, yesterday was quite busy......hence not writing last night........I spent the afternoon sitting by a phone (with a dish full of my favorite chocolates close by that I did NOT proud of myself)......anyway, I sat by a phone waiting to talk to Martha Stewart herself while she was taping a show! It was SO cool! She shared a recipe with myself and her audience that sounds absolutely delicious! Tune into her Friday show on TV to hear my voice and get the recipe! If you live in Cleveland area the show is on at 10am on local channel 6 or 7 on my cable. I think a pic of the kids and myself will be up while she is talking to me! All in all, it was a REALLY neat experience and I hope I get to do it again! Maybe next time I can meet her in person!?!?!?

Well, I need to go get dinner prepared for myself and the boys. Bill is at work late for a meeting and is eating there, so it is me and the kiddies!


PS - on a side note: when I asked my students at school this year what their heritage was, only 1/3 raised their hands. I was shocked that only 1/3 knew! I am so proud of where my family roots are from and they should be to. It makes us who we are today. So, not trying to say you have not discussed, but if you do have children teach them their roots. Have them be proud of who they are and where they come from! Ok - teacher in me, signing out!


Tamara1227 said...

Hi Maria,
I made the pizza with tomatoes/artichoke/olives and it was really good. My children even liked it, which amazed me. It's not really difficult shopping or planning, it is just a new way of thinking; something to get used to. Don't worry about the chocolate almond cruch! If it makes you feel better, I ate a double chocolate chip cookie tonight. It was an impulse action and I think much worse than what you had. I'm not beating myself up over it, since it was only one. Ok, time for sleep. Later and continued good luck!

Anonymous said...

I chuckled at your veggie without dressing comment - my oldest has always shunned dressing.

My brain tends to check out of Nutritionville in the evenings despite my best efforts. It kills me, but I've had to stick to eating something different from my family most nights (usually another portion of what I had for lunch). Three days ago we had a small breakthrough, though: one of my kiddos requested my rice bowl over the meal I'd prepared "for them", and I cooked a similar healthy meal the next night.
I run the nutrition-education events at the school I program I work for and still struggle mightily. "Knowing" doesn't equal "doing" - it's great to hear other voices with similar challenges.

balletshoes14 said...

Hi Maria!
I love wicked!!! I saw it in chicago and on broadway :) My dog is named Elphaba, the wicked witch!! ANyways, it sounds like you are adjusting really well to your changes. Its funny you said that about your son. My boyfriend does not use dressing either, and I have become one to prefer a touch of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Its really interesting because that is how you really taste the vegetables. Good luck with adding oil and herbs today!

Kendra said...

I saw Wicked in Chicago and loved it as well!

Also, I have the same conversation with many of my high school students and unless they are first or second generation Americans, many of them don't even realize they have a culture. Its sad.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria, When you say you cheated, I wish mine had been a bit of chocolate! I've been so proud of myself sticking to healthy eating and haven't wanted to put anything in my body that isn't healthy (very unusual for me). Today I said yes when asked if I would like a cheeseburger! Yikes, there went my mindful eating and now my tummy is asking why I did that! Back to eating healthy again.