Thursday, January 29, 2009

Global Stressors....not warming!

Hi everyone!

For some reason this week has been hard for me. I have not taken the time I need to sit down and really think things through. When I go to meditate, my kids pop in with a question. So, then if I do it at night, I fall asleep because I am exhausted! Let my body go "limp" and I am done for!
Reducing my stress level is a MUST. I get stressed out SO easily it is quite frankly, ridiculous! When I started to think of the stressors, the biggest one of them all is trying to play all my different roles in the house. My cousin once said to me, "In my next life, I hope I am a man." Now, not to sound sexist, but truly it is so different. As woman we take this responsibility (whether we are told to or not) to wear 100 different hats. The man does his responsibilities, but outside of taking their morning dump and getting themselves ready for work, the rest of the process is laid out for them on what they need to do at home. Now, don't get me husband is wonderful and is the love of my life. He is so helpful with our kids and is the best father I could ever ask for. I guess I just wish I could be like him and not see the dishes piled up, the toys all over, the laundry overflowing, the food running low, etc.....and be able to focus on what is in front of them at that moment. He is so laid back and non-confrontational and I am so envious of it. When I sit, go to bed, shower - all of those times and more my mind is constantly thinking of what I need to do next or what I forgot to do. Does anyone else feel this way? I know it is not the way to live, but this is what my brain does to me. I think many woman feel like this.
So when they asked us to write down things that make us happy....I love to go out and socialize. Problem is the stress of getting the sitter, getting everything ready, etc. to get to go out and socialize. Then it is the worry that the kids are o.k. Not as much fun when that all comes in to play. my kids make me happy...........oh but wait........they stress me out, too. My husband and I have fun together.........but it is my time to have one on one time to tell him everything that stressed me out during the week! Does this make sense to anyone out there?????
The best option I can think of is to get this exercise thing going in a routine. My time, something I will feel good about. Now, I went to the personal trainer and he tested me on strength, flexibility, endurance (VO2), body fat. I was so excited to write up a plan with him and we put in all the numbers (my goal weight) compared to body fat and water percentage and then BAM! He hits me with the cost. For 48 sessions at 3x per week equals 4 months (plus coming in whenever for aerobic activity) puts us at $3,000.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you kidding me? How am I going to convince my husband of am not. I would probably laugh at him if he tried to tell me he was going to pay that, so I don't even expect him to consider it. So, I started researching other opportunities and I may have found a better option with finances, too. I will keep you all posted.
Now, I see tomorrow they suggest to go outside..........If you live in Cleveland you are probably wondering as I am that global warming is an actual fact, because it is FREEZING HERE! Kind of like Al Gore giving his global warming speech yesterday in DC during an ice storm. I won't go there.........
OK - I am off to meditate.................don't forget to listen to me on Sirius tomorrow morning at 10:15am.
Happy De-Stressing!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Breathe!

Hi there!

It is Monday afternoon and I have a few minutes to blog before going to pick up Jimmy and then to gymnastics practice. I am excited to concentrate on the stresses in my life (so is my husband). He probably thinks I need a huge notebook to fill up for the week rather than a journal! Poor guy. He gets all my frustration let out on him. Not fair. Will work on. :)

I went to see a personal trainer today at a place near work. I LOVED the information I received and LOVE the concept. Just wondering now if I can afford it............quite expensive! What I learned is I am FAT. I was shocked to see the percentage of body fat and my weight. I did not think I was overweight, but I guess according to those calculations, I sure look like it!!!! AHHHH!!!

Well, I need to run.......maybe I will be able to get some more time later to write. Hope everyone is well!

Happy De-Stressing!