Monday, January 19, 2009


OMG everyone!

I got to talk to Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser today on the Sirius radio station 112! I am so excited that I was able to call in and get on the radio to talk to her! If anyone heard it, I probably sounded like a little kid seeing presents on Christmas morning! She gave me some great advice for setting time aside to workout! She asked some pretty valid questions about my day........if I have time to watch a TV show, I have time to workout! No excuses! I LOVE IT!!!! She also said women are afraid "to ask for help" - such as, we should ask someone to watch the kids for 30 minutes so we can work out. Or plan with a neighbor to share in kid watching, or ask parents or in-laws. She said the ultimate goal is to carve out 4 hours a week for exercise. She also said 4, 1/2 hour sessions if you have time restraints will work, too.

Actually, for my first day of cardio, I did her fitness ultimatum on the Wii Fit! I got a great workout - especially for just getting started! Love her! I did not have school today so my kids and I stayed in all day. It is so miserably cold here that I don't want to step outside if I don't have to!

So, the weekend brought on some challenges. As I stated in the last blog I was nervous about what I would eat on the trip to Columbus and I would like to thank the few that responded with some good on the go meals. I did get in my breakfast before I left at 5:40am......I was miserable on our bus because we had NO HEAT the entire 2 hour trip! It was -12 when we left at 6:00am. That was fun...........NOT! During the meet, I had an apple, banana, raw almonds as snacks. For lunch, they offered cold cuts, but with white sub rolls and mayo. I ate as minimal of the bread as I could and a small amount of mayo, but that was my best option there. I also had some raw veggies with it. They had these wonderful smelling brownies that Kirstin and I tried to resist. We lost that battle. We savored 4 bites of a brownie by "sucking" on them instead of chewing them right down! We are such dorks! That night we went to BW3's and I ate a chicken taquito with corn chips and a beer........oops! It was so good going down though!

As Sunday rolled around I was miserable. I am not sure if it was because of the change of my food, but I was SO tired I could not even get out of bed. My husband seriously thought something was wrong with me. I can't even explain how tired I was horrible. No headache, bellyache, nothing...........just pure exhaustion. I ended up sleeping the afternoon away (thank goodness for my husband). I do feel much better today, but I am still tired. Maybe it is the lack of sunshine in this part of the state! I need Florida!

Well, I need to go get the kiddies to bed. I made a delicious meal tonight that my whole family ate (although it took my 5 year old an hour to eat it). It was on Rachel Ray's website. As she would say it was, Delish! It was a chili mac pasta bake - whole wheat pasta, 90% lean ground beef. We also had a salad. Not the healthiest meal, but good for the whole family. I am just impressed that in these two weeks I have eaten out once! That is a new record for me!

Happy Exercising!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, thats so awesome that you got to talk to her, I am so jealous! Sounds like she gave some great advice!